What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
I think it's good to have moderation in how radically I challenge myself, and it's best to stop quite far from risking literal death or injury. But the principle is sound: struggle is required for growth, and without it there's stagnation.
This might seem to be a contradiction to when I said that easy life = good life. But it's not, and here's why.
Circumstances don't stay the same, the world changes. Like a war might start in your country and you'll need to escape. Are you ready for it? Are you able to travel? Do you have a viable skill for remote work?
Our capabilities might be sufficient for the world around us now, but will we let the world that comes tomorrow destroy us?
The more you sweat in peacetime, the less you bleed in wartime
If we're so badass that we can deal with rough stuff, that's what makes life easy during normal times of relative safety.
And even outside of considering extreme disaster events, it's still desirable to gradually increase our standard of living over time. Therefore...
Neither is sloth. A balance needs to be struck between enjoying life and making sure we stay in a position to enjoy it (more and more).
And this mindset also has implications for how we use our resources.
I find ways to use less comfort when I'm able. Some of the time I...
Can you do that with me?
Especially in my profession, but also in general. I have a curious mind, I sometimes acquire new interests.
I admire other people who are like that, especially if the knowledge or skills they give their time and attention to are practical